Donald McLaren Ltd are an independent family-owned funeral directors registered in Scotland (Company number SC189724). Our registered office is 45 Sunnyside Road, Coatbridge, Lanarkshire, ML5 3DG.

We have no business or financial interest in any other funeral director, crematoria, or price comparison websites.

We make charitable donations to the following: St Andrew’s Hospice £5000.00

We are a member of the National Association of Funeral Directors and subscribe to their current Code of Practice, a copy of which is available upon request. We aim to act in a professional manner and provide a courteous, sensitive and dignified service to you.

We are an Appointed Representative of Ecclesiastical Planning Services Limited Reg. No. 2644860, registered in England at Benefact House, 2000 Pioneer Avenue, Gloucester Business Park, Brockworth, Gloucester, GL3 4AW, UK, which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Firm Reference Number 958152. The Financial Conduct Authority regulates pre-paid funeral plans only.

Funeral Terms and Conditions

Our funeral invoice will be sent to you 7 days after the funeral. Full payment is due within 30 days from the date of invoice.

We ask for a deposit equal to the total amount of third party costs (e.g. crematorium or cemetery fees). Where satisfied that there are adequate funds available to settle the funeral account, we may, at our sole discretion, agree not to require a deposit.

Our professional services charge of £1090 includes a discount of £360 provided full payment is made within 30 days. At our sole discretion, we may agree to extend the period for payment to 60 days, however the funeral will no longer qualify for our discounted professional services charge of £1090. In this event an amended invoice will be issued with our full professional services charged at £1450.

Failure to pay may result in court action in which a court may award judicial expenses and interest.

Our full funeral terms and conditions can be downloaded here.