We recognise the importance of selecting a memorial that fully encapsulates your feelings and special sentiments. There are a number of options for personalising your memorial and the best technique to use depends on the effect you are trying to achieve. Click on each of the examples to see more detail.

We will provide you with a detailed print out of all ornamentation and inscriptions on a scale drawing of your memorial to help you visualise the final layout and make alterations where appropriate.

Sand Blasting & Shape Carving

Sand blasted designs create a pleasant contrast between the polished and sanded finish of the granite. Sand blasting is the most common method of ornamentation and is the method used to create most inscriptions.

Shape carved ornaments are hand worked to give the ornament a 3-dimensional aspect. Shape carving is an ancient practice where pieces of rough natural stone are shaped by the controlled removal of the stone.

Our experienced sculptors can achieve varying degrees of details with blasting and can achieve beautiful effects.

We work with award winning artists and craftsmen to create unique, highly detailed pieces of art for use in many different ways on our range of memorials. The designs shown are just an example of what is possible. Talk to our memorial consultant for more information.

Laser Etching

Laser engraving is the practice of using lasers to engrave or mark the stone and granite.

The precision that can be achieved using laser technology means excellent results can be achieved. Laser etching offers greater accuracy and attention to detail never before achieved through traditional hand engraving resulting in imaginative and creative ornamentation.

Photographs, pictures or drawings can be scanned and reproduced with outstanding accuracy which will last for generations.

For best results, we recommend high quality black granite to provide the clearest contrast.

The designs shown are just a small example of what is possible. Talk to our memorial consultant for more information.