When a relative or friend dies it comes as a great shock, even if the death is expected. Nothing prepares you for the emotions you will experience after losing someone close to you. It’s at this time the professional guidance and advice you receive is crucial.

On initial contact we will ask:

  • Name, address, telephone number and relationship of the caller to the deceased;
  • Name, address, telephone number of the deceased;
  • Place of death – at home, hospital, nursing home or elsewhere;
  • Has the next of kin been advised when the death certificate will be available for collection;
  • Has a decision been reached as to whether the funeral is to be burial or cremation;
  • What type of funeral service is required i.e. Church Service, Funeral Directors Service Room, the family home or elsewhere.

Our funeral director will then make all the necessary funeral arrangements on your behalf either in the comfort of your own home or at one of our comfortable offices. It is always advisable to contact your funeral director for up-to-date professional advice and guidance.

Death at home

If the death was expected it would be normal to inform the deceased’s doctor who would then attend to certify the death. The doctor will usually advise the relatives when to collect the death certificate from the surgery. After surgery hours it will not usually be the deceased’s GP who will call at the home. Most likely it will be the on-call Doctor for the area. Provided it is not a sudden death then the on-call Doctor on call will notify the deceased’s own GP in the morning who in turn would normally issue a death certificate.

Death at hospital / nursing home

Unless present when death occurs, the relatives will be notified by the nursing staff as soon as possible. The relatives should then contact Donald McLaren Ltd who will ask some preliminary questions and advise when to call at the funeral office to discuss the funeral arrangements. Alternatively the funeral director can call at the family home.

Death abroad

When a death occurs abroad or a distance away within the UK, our qualified funeral director will provide your family with appropriate advice and undertake the necessary arrangements on your behalf, including repatriation of the deceased.